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Also this son of theirs is my fav character in this next couple!
This is my other fav character named Hwa, he is Hwagok's son and Hwagok's husbands son.
Hwagok is now a vampire and with live and love his husband forever and his husband the same ^^
Hwagok's have been accepted by his husbands family and is now turning into a vamp, by the elders blo
Nevermind how Hwagok's lover is going to turn him into a vamp or very soon.
Hwagok and his lover are now wife and husband and Hwagok was turned into a vamp before this.
Hwagok isn't a vamp yet it seems and his son is a vamp his his father
One of my fav character's Hwagok also gets turned into a vamp by his love/husband here.
Hwagok and his son to be are my fav characters in this manga so far and this is Hwagok's lover/husba
It turns out Yuuma does love Masaya and of course Masaya loves him.
Masaya runs right into the nice guy that he met who is working with his father.
Masaya trusted him and this is what he got in return.
Yuuma deserved all that.
What a horrible thing for Masaya to witness the one he loves doing with someone else.
Yuuma loves Masaya and he is one who game Masaya the thing he treasured most.
Yuuma kisses Masaya
Yuuma is horrible to Masaya, even though he did nothing.
Poor Masaya him being the only one hated by Yuuma upsets him.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created