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Mimori this kid is my fav character in this couple!
Hei this guy with the darker hair is my fav character in this couple and on going manga.
Nozumi is popular lol
These kids really like Nozumi.
Nozumi is now this guys slave.
Nozumi this light haired guy is my fav character.
Now Kazuki definitely hates teachers.
Your a real idiot Kazuki, even if they did have sex back in the way, that was then and he's gay.
Yep so this is the guy the teach had sex with.
Poor Kazuki finding out the guy he loves has did it with another person.
Kazuki enjoyed it and so did the teacher.
Kazuki and the teacher are gonna have sex.
He wants to hold Kazuki.
Yep Kazuki has definitely fallen deeply in love with this teacher.
Kazuki has fallen in love with a teacher wow.
Yep he hates teachers because his parents are teachers.
Kazuki has good friends!
This teacher is gay haha.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created