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Saya is a great singer I assume
Saya this girl is my fav character in this couple!
Poor Kaoru ;(
Kaoru this guy is my fav character in this couple!
Yeah the kids right
Awwh his little bro really cares about him it seems
His name is Masato and he is so cool! xD
This black haired kid is my fav character in this couple, he's so cool!
Hijiri this black haired guy is my fav character in this ongoing manga
Yeah Junseok your lovers!
I so love this perfect couple!
Wow you've found yourself a perfect lover Junseok! :3 The Perfect Couple!
Junseok is really loved by this partner of his ;3
xD yeah Junseok knows him really well xD
How sweet I love this perfect couple!
Oh so he found out from Junseok's album, but he still stayed with Junseok :)
So he knew all along what Junseok was fat and now skinny and still fell in love with, Junseok xD.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created