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Hisashi is his name I I don't know first of second
Kiyohito this guy with the lighter hair is my fav character!
Sugiyama is so cool xD
Serious dude
Sugiyama is so cool!
Sugiyama is his name and he looks so cool!
The guy with the black hair is my fav character in this couple!
Awwh Motoki finally got his love!
Awwh I love this perfect couple!
Poor Motoki
Yeah Motoki is right you still slept with other people and because Motoki love you he didn't
Motoki is my fav character in this couple! The cute one with the lighter hair
I hate this glasses guy .-. you made Kanaga lose his job!
Wow Kanaga is amazing!
Yeah why did you ask Kanaga to come
Kanaga is my fav character in this couple!
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created