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Oh so Kaede is hiding that fact that he's gay.
inside and out
Kaede is such a beauty
Wow Kaede notices the smallest change.
Kaede is my fav character in this couple, the cool one!
Of Sekiya hates foreigners
Wow Sekiya can speak French xD and he thinks these guys are aliens xD.
Sekiya this guy with the dark hair the cook is my fav character in this couple!
Suzuki this light haired guy is my fav character in this couple!
Nanao this guy that can't be put under this vampires spell is my fav character in this couple!
This gay guy with the glasses is my fav character in this couple, he's so cute.
Satou this dark haired guy is my fav character in this couple and he's an a major otaku.
They are the perfect couple!
They both love each other and he got Kazuki his violin :)
Wow he kissed Kazuki.
This is no good for Kazuki.
Yeah Kazuki is right.
No nevermind this Kazuki isn't the one this guy knew, he died. Is Kazuki a replacement?
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created