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Yuki really loves this glasses guy, though he still got a hickey on his neck from the other guy.
Yuki is my fav character in this couple :3
xD the cat likes Kurosawa haha
No nevermind Kurosawa is my fav character in this couple :3 he is handsome!
Tsutsumi is my fav character in this couple :3.
Poor Kuze he is upset :(
Poor Kuze :(
Kuze, didn't go because he wanted to be close to the one he loves.
Poor Kuze :(
So sweet ;3
Awwh Kuze is forward and shy :P
Wow he loves you too, Kuze :D
Sensei might love Kuze, but he asks for more days until he answers.
Yeah, what else can Kuze do, then this, unless you love him too, it's useless being here.
Yeah Kuze, loves you.
Poor Kuze hearing that, when he is so in love with him.
Kuze is my fav character in this couple and he is in love with this old guy.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created