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Poor guy Chika is hurting and also the contacts are hurting him :(
This is the new Chika and he is a beauty :)
Chika dyed his hair and is wearing contacts it really suits him.
Chika has finally decided to break up with him completely.
Chika this cute glasses guy is my fav character in this couple!
Katsuki this guy that cares about animals with the long hair is my fav character in this couple!
Aki has finally found someone he loves and that loves him.
Aki finally laughed.
Yeah the guy he's doing it with now is horrible person, doesn't even care about Aki's feelings
Wow he knows everything about Aki even the fact that he's gay.
Poor Aki after seeing that he feels horrible.
Wow Aki ran into these guys making out in school, :/.
Well girly Aki got his heart broken because he got close to someone. That's why he's like this.
But it seems that, that changed when this guy came along.
He got out again cut decided not to get close to anyone.
But that's no way to live, Aki.
Ever since that day Aki became a shut in as it says.
He's getting bullied about being gay, poor guy.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created