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He loves Nanao too
Nanao sure is pretty.
Nanao is his name.
This black haired guy is my fav character in this couple!
I'ma call Sano his first and short name Tomo.
Sano this cute but fierce kid is my fav character in this couple!
I love this couple!
Awwh he loves Morio.
Wow he didn't mean to hurt Morio, well he's not heartless.
Wow sensei changed for Morio and he's only going to kiss and have sex with Morio.
He's talking to this guy again about his problems, he is a good listener this guy.
Yep that's true I guess
Morio still isn't over sensei of course, so he didn't go to sensei's lesson.
Morio ended it
Poor Morio
Poor Morio.
Yeah nothing has changed huh Morio
Lol the only one Morio could tell about this ex stuff is the other guy he know who slept with sensei
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created