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Asahina is my fav character in this couple the on with the darker hair.
Shougo and this guy are dating now.
Oh I see now why Shougo doesn't want to get serious with anyone.
I'll call Kamiyama, Shougo from now on lol.
So Kamiyama can only make books after he's had sex and it's amazing how fast he is after sex xD.
Yep Kamiyama is awfully blunt.
This pretty dark haired guy is Kamiyama
Kamiyama is my fav character in this couple!
So Yuki did love Takao.
Yuki is my fav character in this couple!
Ahh they both love each other, Takao and this popular guy.
No wonder why Takao and this friend Yuki are so close.
Yep Takao is his name and this is his friend lol
This guy with the light hair is my fav character in this couple and I think his name is Takao.
Yeah Kaoru sure does have terrifying talent xD.
Lol boxing is the sport Kaoru longs for most and he just got invited to do it.
Kaoru this amazingly strong kid is my fav character in this couple!
Ringo this cute kid is my fav character in this couple!
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created