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Kotaro's bf is really cool.
Kotaro and his lover a very happy together :).
Why don't you find someone else, who isn't Kotaro.
Oh no that annoying handsome guy that has been after Kotaro is working in the same place as Kotaro.
Awwh Kotaro found a great lover, they are the perfect couple.
Awwh now they're gonna keep the cat!
Oh yeah Kotaro is living with this guy now.
Awwh so cute this kitty!
He finally said he loved Kotaro!
Poor Kotaro hearing that from this guy.
Poor Kotaro seeing that, but it could all be a misunderstanding.
Well they both love each other is the same way, but Kotaro will always be innocent.
Kotaro this kid with the lighter hair is my fav character in this couple!
xD the professor got jealous.
Wow Namasami is stuck being this guys pretend lover, but will Namasami fall for him, we'll find out.
Yeah Namasami is right.
Well this is a lie xD
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created