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imagine this also as a panick yell attack
I cant yell bcs is the middle of the night, but imagine this lowercase message as a yelling attack,
he is like "this hand should never be washed again"
ah, there u go xd
wait. WhAaAaAaaaaAT, did not see this at all
this went so freaking fast I loved it
but im not gay
the thump or ba dum symphtom is starting, jujuuju, be prepareeee
look at the trueness of this, it even went in color
yep, he was jsjsjsj
no comments 'cause I still figuring myself
i DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL *cries in sadness but also in revenge*
wHY u lie??¿¿¿ nothing bad happen whatsoever, and u still came back
oh, ya valiste mi bum, ya valiste
bitch, u better take hand before oh sangwoo is here
DeSpUeS De tOdo Lo pieNsAs aHOrA
2352 photos
05 10,2018 created

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