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Oh, dear...both of their expressions...
Lookit his forthright gaze and straightforward and confident posture. Fuck yeah, dude. Own that shit
I'm starting to really get lost about which albums to place all of these's all so GAHHH~
That nice, peaceful, relaxed face as he rests his forehead on her shoulder.
Her look is so vulnerable, #1 for asking for something and #2 fear of being happy #3 worry for ask'g
Lol, this brother is such a SWEETHEART
Go brother, go!
I fucking LOVE, ADORE, OBSESS over Freeze shots LMAO...never saved one the closet?
That serious desperate face lol, so subtle yet so clear
LMAO That doooog rofl dude lol
That's actually one of the best little pouty faces I've seen in a long while lol
Oh, hell no that's not FAIR!!! What THE FUCK is up with that SIDE puddle.
337 photos
17 10,2018 created

Nyamh's other album