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this couple, so fucking precious
man I must be too sensitive these days
yoooo this is actually nice asf. the colour *mmmm* magnifique
im going to cry everything about this is so nice. also that waitress at the bottom xD
T-T the fluff
dang that's nice, slicing the slash right in half bb. what a good sound effect drawing
damn why the fuck is he just assuming that he likes that girl? where did this assumption come from?!
yo those upside down eyes. quite nice
agreed ^^ so cute
idk sounds like a pretty good plan to me
LOL, bold. very nice
deadass. feel dat
T-T they deserve this moment
T-T precious
smol sniffle, my gosh these two are so sweet
lmao her face her is actually kinda... cute???!!!
1071 photos
03 01,2019 created

xen's other album