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girl's face is drawn weird
legs are way too skinny
The place where he's holding the glasses disappears, there is only one finger holding him, + no hips
hands are too large
kid's body is a bit bent out of shape
terribly large hands
fingers are off on holding lollipop, one of the loops of the scissors is off, hand holding it, too
weirdly shaped child
tiny tiny hands
The adult man looks like a 12 year old
the proportions and angle is all wrong in the bottom right panel
everything is just out of proportion
190 photos
28 08,2015 created

ShonaNingyo's other album

  • Bwahahahehehe

    The funny, silly, stupid, confusing, and the just plain weird moments in manga I've come across.

    Edit 8/14/19: I have over 400 photos in this album and pretty much all of the image links are broken ;;__;; I don't want to re-save ALL of them!!

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  • Fashion is Passion, the True Meaning of It

    Clothes and outfits.

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  • Anatomy

    The well-drawn examples of the human figure in any pose or form that strikes me as worthy of note.

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