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His body can no longer live without oota, BL subtext... Be weary!!!!!!!!!
what a sigh! *sigh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* okay >->
XD tanaka!!!!!!!!!!
okay... first chapter and i'm already completely in love with this manga. and tanaka.
*smile smile* life at its finest.
wrong idea time!!!
dead serious.. he's a lot like me~! well in the serious area. people can't tell when I'm joking...
he's playing gundam..... definitely playing gundam
gender confusion.... ah well.
nobody can resist the temptation of ramen!!!!!!
having a trap as your girlfriend.... technically boyfriend. it gets you places.
"WHY" poor guy....
way to get your brother to study.... amazing big sis!!!
What's with the math..... Even the civil war here in America is asked... Geez she's smart....
that cue card... is..a math problem its not even a cue card!!!
that smile!!!! THAT SMILE!
bras.... he really wants one XD
0-0 chill the fuck out haruno.
such laugh. much funny.
461 photos
01 09,2015 created

Scarla's other album

  • power/epic.

    142 photos
  • random&comments

    these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.

    343 photos
  • drama kings

    read this and think about how pitiful life is.

    145 photos