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ugh other boys are cute but black haired guys make me feel some typa way
you both are
REALLY hoping for this story to be better than the last one i read from this author. i expect it tbh
they're horrible fucking people but they can both step on me.
hot boy, cunt attitude.
fucking love the vibe of this manga dude it makes me nostalgic for something i never had.
everyone else is irrelevant
their tension, mmm
mine too, lmao
yes dongjun out here spitting facts
for those of you who love ikemens, and just want some eye candy while reading.
974 photos
07 06,2019 created

[DELETED]'s other album

  • aesthetically pleasing.

    the aestheticcccc. most of these are saved for the aesthetic, some because i just found it poignant, some because why not lol

    358 photos
  • cute stuff

    cute moments between characters that you just wanna go "awwww~" over.

    1067 photos
  • sad panels

    the depressing shit! panels that make you go, "what the fuck that's so sad." you may need to read some of these mangas to get why a particular scene is so sad though.

    1031 photos