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read it as corona first lmao
such a fucking breath of fresh air to finally have a character that actually notices these things
I want to shrivel that disgusting butler's face and toss it in the garbage bin where it belongs
the translator making the same mistake twice kinda befuddles me, how bizarre
i'm sorry but these convos are dry af, how did they even start dating after this
this just might be The stupidest shit I've ever heard
why is this such a common trope in all fucking shoujos; I fucking hate him more now thanks a lot
tf is this, does the mangaka get horny while cleaning their ears or?
his hair is so much better like this
fish-eyed ass ugly mf
you're fucking 11 of course you'd realise that, children aren't brain dead mangaka-san
darling no! none of this is your fault
I love how blunt she is, very refreshing
massive case of yaoi hands right there
he's so fucking annoying like can he die already
421 photos
15 07,2019 created

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