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bitch yes that IS happiness tf, you wanna see manmade horrors beyond your imagination again???
literal fucking pedophilia
what a dumbass fucking logic, she doesn't want you and what you're doing is called harassment
everything in this manhwa goes 0-100 all the time, plot development? never heard of that bitch
the Tibetan wolf face has me in tears
not her being chill af about it
lmao I already like her
hell yeah lets go
I've noticed this before but that dog's head is fucking massive
lord when is it my turn
uh oh
hey hey no need to be creepy
Tsumugi is really starting to get on my fucking nerves he wants to get fucked sooo bad
not to victim blame but he's right, Hyunsung my man you have gotta wake up
ngl this is kinda fucking hilarious
421 photos
15 07,2019 created

tehanu's other album