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One Hundred Day's Knight
Story : Shiira Goh
Art : Akira Norikazu
In the God's Arms - Don't know why but somehow, some covers & inside color pics of this series spoil the story!? (>‿O)v
Aijin Senzoku Ecstasy - Ishida Kaname
Aijin Senzoku Ecstasy - Ishida Kaname
Aijin Senzoku Ecstasy - Ishida Kaname
Aijin Senzoku Ecstasy - Ishida Kaname
Aijin Senzoku Ecstasy - Ishida Kaname
Aijin Senzoku Ecstasy - Ishida Kaname
Ishida Kaname
Nekota Yonezou
Nekota Yonezou
Nekota Yonezou
In the God's Arms - The Full Room
I like the way the Seme smiles.. Wah~ (。♡‿♡。)
478 photos
19 03,2015 created

KyoZaNa✿'s other album


hana chan July 29, 2015 7:25 pm

Wow...ur albums are so awesome..i can say tt i am 'totally captivated' by them... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭great collections...

KyoZaNa✿ July 30, 2015 8:15 am

I'm glad you like them too.

CONman March 27, 2015 4:47 pm

Great albums!
I chose to comment on this album because this is my favorite, but they are all Amazing :)

KyoZaNa✿ March 28, 2015 8:54 am

In this album, all Yoneda Kou's works are very powerful on 'how to use eye contact'.