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Keiichi freaking out. XD
Fluff him up to your hearts content. XDDDDDDDD Just going along with it. XDDDDDDDD
Cute cute cute!
There he is! :D
So adorable Makoto!!!! <3 <3 <3
Makoto getting beaten by a pillow. Wow. XD
Drunk off of wine in a family restaurant. XDDDD
XDDDDDDDD Literally had no clue who you were.
Ono-kun is legit me. Sleeping is my favorite hobby! <3
Someone's a little jealous. XPPP
Like a raccoon... XDDDDDDDD
Baka Hinata. XDDD
XDDD Now you've done it.
Hinata's o-o face is so cute! <3
1041 photos
19 09,2015 created

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