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GASP the cuties are back
Eeeeeeeeeeee*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
This reminded me of that bubbles x doja cat song
I feel like everyone has a childhood family photo like this. This is so cute and so real
The mom is such silly goofy person
Big beefy boi. Our pudgy man
Bestie getting a front row seat to doori’s gay awakening lore
Ahahahhahaaaahhhaijs usnisjnokm LOOK AT BESTIE IN THE BACK
Alrighty i love this story already and the author’s way of dialog
Awwwww oooohhh omg how cute~
Nah it’s too much
Awww look at the baby all grown up
Mother and daughter in law bonding time
Awww mommy in-law judging his future daughter in-law with care
It’s giving grumpy mother in law who grows more lonesome as their son leaves the nest
131 photos
22 12,2019 created

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