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So manly, Rai~
Omg Rai! You're so cool!
Seeeeee? He definitely looks like Muzaka here!!
He looks like Muzaka here!
Appearing in that situation at the same time... is so unfair. Gahhh. My heart~
OMG kageyama!!! <span clas
That last panel is <3
I definitely see the pattern here. Hahahaha
I actually thought, wtf
Picture perfect, those three!
Lol he wouldn't even minded if this was Lucy. He's already too damn used to it XD
And then comes the source of evil(LOL). I love this chapter!
Oh my goodness! Such a bomb was dropped after such a heart pounding chapter!!
You are so cooooooool~ Okamotoooooooo!!
Lol information overload. In short, he's just one big distraction to the blockers' concentration.
122 photos
02 10,2015 created

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