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Yona and Hak moments
The ultimate mother, Yoon! Part 4
The ultimate mother, Yoon! Part 3!
The ultimate mother, Yoon! Part 2
The ultimate mother, Yoon~!
I understand exactly why but I still have to ask. Why did you chose to calm him down now Yona?!
This absolute trust in Hak's strength, makes it more frustrating!
Zeno looks so mature in here
I don't know whether I should ba creeped out by what he's saying or should I LOL at the follow up XD
This smiling face really caught me.
Awwwwww~ dammmmmmmmmmmit! Why u havbdoveedishwaaaaay!!
This is why people ship them~ Koko & Sumire
This is called unfair, Natsume! Unfair! You are just 7-8 years old yet you're already so cool! <span c
You-chan, you are soooooooo adorableeeeeee!! I want to keeeeeep youuu!! Argh!
Misaki-sensei, you are too cute...
Damn. She really took it to heart. Their reactions tho. XD
He made her cry... If it's the usual, she'd react violently and forget everything the next moment.
Mikan's expression here looks so heartbreaking
122 photos
02 10,2015 created

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