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uwuuu... superb artwork - beautiful character design
scary... when a tsundere smiles so innocently...
beautiful character design, beautiful artwork
beautiful character design, beautiful artwork.
10 years too early.... we'll just wait....
yaaaasssssss we know you so kyuuuuute... -mangalife-
idiot...!!! don't just drop it so fffing casually...
Takahashi Yuu sensei
megane-san-kun-chan sensei's big 'megane reveal' sparkles with or without glasses...?? BOTH!!!
Ike Reibun sen-sen -bish-sen- megane-san-kun-chan in salarymen ship... yummm... NO ISU...!!!
hahahahahahahah! ''killing-stalking''... part 2 - side-dish-story??! ...NO ISU... keke... fuuu...
meh-heh-heh-heh-heh... normally you gift the blade to UR bride-beloved 4 selfprotection, waka=sadist
master-waka saves his dog... yakuza dog?? no... waka's own dog... bullet... precious... etc.etc.,
1783 photos
29 01,2020 created

chus's other album