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megane, megane, megane, uufff-hooo! Only in Japan it would seem... rather '2d-Jp'...
pearls of wisdom, Crow-god power.
Fuck, don't piss me off, playing the pitiful one at this stage, Haru-chan is too forgiving...
Stand firm Haru-chan!
Shock! Haru-chan had his hair cut... Sums up his state of mind, time to move on... oh Haru...feels..
insightful Haru-chan
smart boy, your senpai appreciates your perceptiveness.
the eye of the storm
the ghost of the past tragedy ship, that follows and fuels more misery
the tragedy that is the backbone to the 'given' story
part-time job, i think we get the picture, the pretty picture - coffee shop-
some of them words,,, weep and then learn to smile again! Life's pearls of wisdom.
1783 photos
29 01,2020 created

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