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Fuck bro when you need a homie and ain’t got none
Girl run. Bitch you know where the exit is use it and RUN. pls get away far hurry.
Fuck bro play Marvin’s room
Why does dark skinned character have to be the genuinely evil one, while the blue eyed pale one is
So why did they feel the need to draw one of the few darker toned characters like this
No cuz why did this make me go”oooh”, like this is happening in real life.
I kinda hate it when there’s somebody else with an unrequited love. Like I mourn with them. Hommie’s love was snatched.
This will be his villainous back story. Trauma
I love their friendship so much... so far hopefully nothing happens
I mean this didnt hurt me personally, but what his momma said is exactly how i feel.
He didn't have to personally attack me like that.
67 photos
16 02,2020 created

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