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ha ha...not playing at alll....
wow....he is so sexy just sitting there
no no no cruel! he heard him...he turned to him...and then..............
OMG...this "kid"...sensei!
"perverts ar the basic of life" ha ha ha
...soooo stupid....asking for being killed?....and I was thinking he was smart guy...
Interesting moments in Yaoi
174 photos
12 10,2015 created

[DELETED]'s other album


rangda December 4, 2015 11:12 am

Ha ha - glad you like it :) I totally love this mangaka - she makes me very sad or totally laughing but never bored :)

flornica December 4, 2015 10:39 am

Oh my god, I just read the manga with the old man who turns out to be a cat! I loved the hell out of it, too!