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why tf did I not save this before???
he really is a cutie, but Arwin is godly
Why is he so my type? Like BDE all up through him
I'm over here just a cheesin
he's so.... beautiful
woah dere
ah yes, another delicious daddy. tyvm
man, all he's missing is some earrings...
yes, i am now his simp
I love his char design.
.....crazy HOT
He's crazy.....
I knew he'd be handsome, dammit! If evil, why hot? but in this comic, everyone is twisted
He's so my type. I'm sorry for his wife, but DAMN he's fine
Ayooo, who is thissss. Sheesh~
ok but like, he almost had me there with that line. the RIZZ
227 photos
19 10,2015 created

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