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I'm OFFICIALLY CRYING Help me recover T_T
N I can't live with this being the end T-T
"Told you, she says" LOL Mitsuki hahah
The struggles of Ikea never end
Ugh such a fashionable couple I ENVY HARD
Man this love is all too consuming
I knew it! It had to be something more than just stalking
u better not die OR I WILL RIOT
Direct Translation "I'll love you forever, Lee Jungyool"
This man has no shame IM DYING BRUHHHHH
Interesting choice of finding something sharp Han Gitae Hahaha
I'm dead LOLLL this kid hahhaahhahh
Zara? My man's got taste
This brat still has no shame LOLLL
See what I mean NO SHAME lmaoo auhrgiwhd
Han Gitae I see YOU hahah sneaky
Jungyool has no shame and I love it LOL
Who said romance is dead??
556 photos
28 06,2020 created

AKIRA's other album