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Comments of A Paper Marriage

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2023-03-02 15:18
FL's mum need to chill and ML is creepy.
2022-05-10 05:24
2022-04-02 21:31
this wasnt that bad but the family was ummm
2022-03-05 03:02
ML was a smug jerk who never stopped controlling or manipulating her. He obviously had no respect for her. Her family sucked! Her father had a buttload of false pride and was a hypocrite from the word go. She looked unhappy as hell the whole time, and none of her butthead family noticed (or probably cared). The father, who treated her like trash when she was tricked into helping, was perfectly happy to receive oodles of money from her husband when she married. Her mother was a liar, and like the father pushed her into the marriage while she looked sad and defeated. Her brother (a failure like her father) was perfectly happy to go and live off his rich wife's family. The best thing she could have done was find a career and give all those hypocritical manipulative a**holes the big "Sayonara." Aside from the FL, the only person who was remotely decent was the aunt who passed away. The warning should read, "THIS SERIES HAS EXTREMELY STUPID CONTENT AND THEMES AND IS NOT SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE OF INTELLIGENCE OR TASTE."
2022-03-03 06:21
Didn’t like FL attitude in the beginning, ML is a douche he loves FL but sleeps with other woman and he gets pissed off if FL dates another guy, and tries to break them up smh! FL family is really useless and I think they do not really care for her bc why let your daughter marry a guy she barely knows?!?
Name: A Paper Marriage
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Jessica Steele 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei
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