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Comments of Bride in a Gilded Cage

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2023-12-31 03:18
2022-08-30 07:02
bhooo ho poor lil rich girl..plz pity me n understand me...but dont expect nything frm me im a self-centered compassion fr people at home but will do charity to others..
2022-08-27 09:29
nahhh she has to force herself to smile and look pretty,?
2022-03-01 20:21
Rafael and Rico
1 Bride in a Gilded Cage
2 In Christofides' Keeping
2022-02-19 06:00
Boo hoo hoo! A girl I was in love with dumped me. That's what makes it fine for me to blackmail you into marriage and treat you like a commodity. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, but I only put you into no-win situations and then smirk at you because I love you. Sorry, but this dude is as full of it as a Christmas goose. Oh yeah. While I'm at it: Why in the name of all that's sacred does she adore her parents when they are overjoyed to sell her to the highest bidder so they can peacock around in society? They also were grade A douchebags.
2022-02-19 03:23
Hated ML he’s an asshole and kept dating women even though he was engaged to FL and never try to get to know her for 3 years! He doesn’t deserve FL and he should just suffer and let her be happy!
2022-09-03 05:36
Rafael and Rico #1
2023-02-27 09:21
Dude just said he likes fl more than his ex. Like so he is still attracted to his ex
Name: Bride in a Gilded Cage
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Abby Green 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei / Drama
Alternative: Rafael and Rico #1
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