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Comments of Daredevil

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2022-01-14 16:26
I wonder when will the day come that j can say yes to a marriage proposal from a guy I've know for a couple a weeks, i think id have to time travel to the PAST
2022-01-14 01:53
He sure wasn’t much of a catch. He has all the manners of a drunken mafia underling and does nothing but insult , sexually harass, and sexually assault the FL. I guess that in HarlequinWorld it’s impossible to be a sleazebag sexual predator if you’re rich and handsome. Is the message supposed to be that you should treat girls you like as though they’re whores and they will immediately fall for you? Sorry to be such a curmudgeon but that is:
1. An insult to all women
2. Disgusting
3. Really, really stupid.
2022-01-13 10:52
Asshole ML, stupid FL!
Name: Daredevil
Status: Completed   
Author: Rosemary Carter 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei
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