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Comments of Escort Warrior

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2023-05-19 17:28
Is she the fl? I only read till chp 54. She so annoying. I'll pick up again later
2023-04-07 18:00
An Adopted strong men and his weak ass lady master
2023-04-05 22:39
on ch 191

my favorite character died and i balled my eyes out at least 4 times reading this
2023-07-22 01:52
7/10 chp 207 21 Jul 2023

For those that loke the genre, they are going to love this. For me it requires to much background lore information which makes these type of martial art Manhwas a little tedious to read. Great art, good story, good characters

The Jang family is in trouble, it will take a miracle to save them from the forces that surround this merchant clan. One man, whose talent is hidden has a favor to repay and so the Jang clan finds themselves with the most capable warrior fighting beside them. However, there may be a reason the warrior had remained hidden.
2022-10-26 15:55
C171 War ongoing. Chapter ends fight between Paeng Vermin and Muk. Waiting for the next chapter
2022-07-24 14:12
Frustrating as all hell
2022-07-23 08:58
How is this only a 9.3 it should be a 10.0!
2022-07-22 20:28
MC was part of the Heavenly assassination squad. After many missions he lost a lot of sanity and a final mission that almost killed him. He floats down a river and is saved by the Jang family. After healing he leaves and hides himself in a secluded forest as a hermit. He is later approached by the Jang family and asked to be an escort since their warriors were slaughtered. He agrees but with the clause that he can leave whenever because he does not want to be involved in wars (due to his trauma). Left off on chapter 167
2022-06-21 16:25
This is soooo good!!
2022-06-14 13:54

i mean, whoa. what a glorious massacre this turned out to be. i honestly didn’t think i’d stick around this long... i struggled to make sense of the plot initially, and it took a good while for things to turn interesting, but those notions are all in the past now! man, what an immense power-trip. just constant fighting, basically. since the development started out kinda… slow (?), i couldn’t quite figure out the characters and their affiliations until i’d finished, what, a good 60-70 chapters? either way, now that things are finally making sense, i’m truly immersed. i love the political aspects, too! can’t believe our escort warrior was actually once the alliance leader, lol. (albeit it was only for a day or so, but still.) i mean, i knew he had a powerful position with a lot of influence, but i never would’ve imagined anything like that. that revelation made my whole goddamn week!!! man, that smug look of satisfaction on our OP MC’s face once he knew that ‘the enemy’ had realized his identity. i actually screamed out loud. ugh, so good. i’m just happy and relieved that i didn’t put this off!!! things are only getting better and better now.

and hey, we’re FINALLY geeing some character development for our gwang hwi, too! this guy has literally been through HELL. if anyone out there deserves a break, it’s this guy. i mean, i do understand his self-loathing, guilt and regrets given the things he’s done… but he also needed to realize that he can’t save everyone. he’s not god. (even though he’s basically a war god, sheesh.) either way, i’m just glad that he’s finally starting to see that himself. it’s taken him a long time, but all good things come in time! seeing him actively working on himself (not just his abilities, but his perspectives, too) makes my whole heart soar, truly. gwang hwi deserves the world. all he wants is to do good. to BE good! i and know he’s already there. i can’t wait for the day when he finally realizes that he’s not the monster he believes himself be. <3 i’m excited!
2022-05-15 17:01
I can’t stop crying with the last chapters
2022-05-15 15:33
so dang good. 57
2022-05-13 02:50
I like the story plot and the MC. Looking forward to more chapters. I was wondering if the story was an adaptation from a novel.
Name: Escort Warrior
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Hyung-keun Cho/inho Kim 2019 released.
Genre(s): Action / Historical
Alternative: 장씨 세가 호위 무사
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