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Comments of Innocent of His Claim

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2024-03-12 08:37
2023-10-12 09:42
That investigation part at the end was so unnecessary lol. Nothing got resolved, that wine will always be stuck between them and cause issues.
2023-05-06 17:28
FL dad and mom should go to hell, especially the bitch mom! I wouldn’t forgive ML, he lied and they lost 10 years worth time together bc he was prideful!
2023-05-06 14:20
Hates her on evidence that wouldn’t hang a dog. Does testosterone put stupid in the brain or something? Ah yes; his plan is to seduce and dump her in order “to get over her.” Wow, what a Christian gentleman. With a sense of honor like that, he should be in great company, like drug dealers and human traffickers. A recent HQ has a woman whose life was nearly ruined by publication of a nude picture she had given only to her boyfriend. When she confronted him, he was butt-hurt and lied saying he did it for money, then hated her forever for “not trusting him.” These fictional men seem to have the underlying belief that all women are liars, sluts, and gold-diggers and that they should trust and adore the ML no matter what he does. It makes me think that Harlequin ML’s are required to have mega-doses of misogyny and stupidity in their makeup or their stories will never be published.
Name: Innocent of His Claim
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Janette Kenny 2022 released.
Genre(s): Josei / Drama
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