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Comments of Love Bite

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2024-05-28 07:54
Useless and stupid story
2024-05-18 11:17
I want to say DNF Ch 5 but I barely even read the chapters
2024-04-12 20:30
I don’t know what to say. This was so complicated. It really makes you think, if u are in a loving secure relationship why would one want to cheat? Reading this, It does leave you with a bad after taste… I had to skip the cheating bits… Sebin, ur such a gem! I might have skipped some important scenes because I don’t get why the Uke still stayed,
2024-03-21 16:14
everybody is such crybabies abt the cheatingi loved this story, it was an emotional roller coaster and im happy with how it ended. my heart hurts bc of it but at the same time this ending just feels right
2024-03-15 12:30
Got up to chapter fifteen and decided to abandon it.

To be blunt, I fucking hated this story. Loathed it, even.

Cheating is something I'm fifty-fifty on. I don't like it when there's cheating amongst the main couple, but if the main character or the love interest is in a relationship at the start of a story and that original boyfriend is cheated on, I'm such more likely to be more receptive to it. I'm a sucker for angst. But there's a right way to do it, and this story just . . . Didn't do it right. Like at fucking all.

My biggest issue is the fact that there's just no reason for the cheating to happen. The story begins with Shinwoo dating Sebin, and cheating on Sebin with Taesoo. The issue comes from the fact that their relationship has no problems. It's not dysfunctional, it's not a dead relationship, nor is it abusive or boring. Sebin actually goes way beyond what he needs to make sure that Shinwoo is having his uncomfortable kinks met. He's entertaining Shinwoo's desire to be degraded and abused almost fucking daily. By all means, they have an ideal relationship. All of Shinwoo's needs are being met . . . But he still cheats on Sebin with Taesoo. And for what? Because he can't get over Taesoo being cruel to him like eighty million years ago? It's fucking retarded.

To add on to that frustration, Sebin is just . . . He's so fucking pathetic, man. Like my fucking God. It's not even funny. When he finds out that Shinwoo is cheating on him . . . He doesn't get mad . . . He doesn't shout, they don't fight . . . He cuddles Shinwoo and says that "it's okay," and that he'd do better. And then when he finds out Shinwoo cheating for a second time, this time with fucking degrading writing still written on his back . . . He's slightly mad, but he still just . . . Accepts it. He doesn't do anything other than "punishing" Shinwoo sexually . . . Which is what Shinwoo typically likes fucking anyways. He just has so fucking backbone, he lets himself get walked all over and treated like shit and it's so fucking lame. He's lame. He's pathetic.

The art is meh. It's not necessarily bad but it's just not appealing to my personal tastes. I hate the way Shinwoo's lips are drawn. Take that lipgloss off and be a man.

After deciding to drop this story, I checked the final few chapters just to see how it ends up . . . And Shinwoo ends up with Sebin? Fucking really? After all the cheating . . . The shameless cheating mind you, Shinwoo isn't subtle about it in the slightest, Sebin takes him back? I need Sebin to get up off his knees and stand up. Just no shame, no backbone, no sense of self-respect. Crazy.
2024-02-26 21:29
already read this years ago but came up again when i was reading Boundary, kinda same story in which uke is cheating ..
2024-02-12 23:53
gonna drop, i hate when he cheated on his loyal bf that didnt do anything bad to him errr its pissing me off
2024-01-29 15:33
Absolute trash uke. Both semes are stupid for loving him. Story was pretty all over the place.
2024-01-23 22:46
This really showed a messy side to relationships, cheating and mixed emotions
2023-12-05 19:08
It was a good story but im just torn bc the couple I was rooting for didnt end up together…however i dont really mind how it ended up tho just dont like the MC’s relationship tbh
2023-11-30 17:21
What MBTI do y'all think the characters are? I really want to know but can't figure it out.
2023-11-29 23:29
Yaoi / Drama / Romance / Webtoons
2023-11-29 04:37
The main character it's a cheating asshole, loves to plays the victim and blame everyone else. Keeps cheating and gets mad when his boyfriend won't sleep with him because he's full of hickeys from his affairs
2023-11-16 01:15
got to chp 18 before dropping, uke is high-key trash , cheating on everyone lol
2023-10-17 10:49
I wa so confused why Shinwoo never got punished by his behavior. And cried when he thought people didn't like him he brought it along himself?
Name: Love Bite
Status: Completed   
Author: LAMYO 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Drama / Romance / Webtoons
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