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2022-08-30 13:37
Loved the fact that she took a stand and held her ground! Love FLs who are self-respecting, know what they want, have brains to think and argue a point home and would not give up on love even if she had to walk away! I loved her so much!! So even if the ending was rushed, I'll probably read the novel too!

P.S. I'm pro-choice but to me, Beth (the ex-fiancée) was unfair and did wrong. Yes, she had all the right to abort the baby, no matter if she loved it or not. But she tried to sell the baby in exchange for money, on very unfair terms, and I find that really wrong! She'd give birth to the baby in exchange for money is fine, she'd be not much different than a surrogate! But she goes one step ahead and states that she'd have the custody (just to keep extorting money from him) and he'll only be able to have visitation rights is unfair and unjust both to him and the baby, moreso because she'd probably not have any love towards the baby, but just for money she'd be keeping the baby away from the person who really loves it! It's good that he declined, and she aborted it! Saved that poor unborn baby from a life of suffering! She didn't want to be a surrogate, fine, so be it, but I'd accept that she wouldn't give birth because it was her choice! Not because he failed to accept her terms! No! That's really wrong according to me! The lines of pro-choice are blurry in this one, and no matter how much of a pro-choice I am, I can't help but feel sorry for him.
2022-08-16 22:34
Mixed feelings
2021-08-19 09:55

FL is such a mature lady. She's an incredible character that can stand on her own even without the ML.
2021-08-20 05:39
i have the og translated ver of this manga that I bought earlier on can I post it..... hmm I debated whether or not to post this since someone was already posting it and I didn't want to interfere but the translation was so bad that I decided to repost it.

i am pro choice and I agree it being with it being a women choice but in this case it kinda doesn't sit right for me.... she used the child as a hostage and threaten to kill it for money. i think my stand on pro choice and prolife is going to be different in each situation. if they had a good reason like they are young and unable to take care of, or poor, medical reason andetc.... but if they did it out of spite after threating for money id say she was wrong.... and he is the father so he has part of a say...i mean not as much as hers since it is her body but I just really feel bad that his child got killed.... i think once you acknowledge its a child then its a life..... she acknowledges it was alive when she used it as a hostage....she is just a cruel gold digging murderer in this case
2021-08-15 21:36
This looks like a good story, well whoever is translating need to learn English a little better.
2021-08-15 18:42
Update: thanks for finishing uploads. Now that I have read it I will say I liked the premise of the plot. It's nice to see a female write a story about a man's heartbreak when he finds out his child was extinguished from life, by using abortion as a weapon. It is why I struggle with abortion acceptance. Because it is a fact women DO abort children out of spite or maliciousness and to me, that's no less than murder. it is not a case of she was at risk of death, or (true) victim of rape or any of those reasons pro choices spout when defending the act of abortion. The reasons I mentioned are the only reasons I would accept abortion.

Ugh, usually I can overlook loose translations, but this translation is just horrid. It's like they didn't even try and make the conversations legible, nor did they bother to proofread and edit any big mistakes. I think I will just spend 6 bucks and purchase it. Plus I am too impatient to wait for the whole thing to be uploaded. :) Thanks for trying though.
2021-08-15 17:06
The story itself wasn’t bad but the fact that they called adoration murder when it’s a women choice and if a fetus is young enough it’s not a child yet is just ignorant and seems like they wanted to paint abortion in a bad light to justify the mans actions. Choice should never be taken away from a women especially when it involves their own bodies. And while women can have abortions for malicious purposes it shouldn’t affect the lives of women who want to have abortions for other reasons.
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Teresa Carpenter / Mio Takai 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei / Drama
Alternative: Kekangan Cinta Sang Miliuner
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