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Comments of The Bride's Best Man

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2023-03-24 20:34
So the story was about Dan and Kay. Kay's involvement in keeping Dan away from his daughter was weird. I don't understand why he couldn't have visitation rights to his daughter.
2022-07-19 23:20
A complete waste of time and set of idiots. The father let himself be completely ruled by a teenager and ran away on her advice. Everything was done “to keep father and daughter safe?” Wussy father was safe. Innocent little girl was physically and mentally abused by her insane mother and sexually assaulted and nearly raped by her stepdad. Not only that but the art made the characters look like the before picture in an advertisement for anti-idiot medication.
2022-01-08 19:10
Didn’t really like the aunt, instead of separating FL from her father to protect them both she could have helped them meet each other secretly without letting the mother know smh! I wouldn’t forgive them that easily!!
2022-01-08 16:46
The mother was crazy. Im glad that she died alone, she deserved. and the aunt having feelings for her sister's husband is weird af
Name: The Bride's Best Man
Status: Completed   
Author: Judy Christenberry 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei / Drama
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