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Comments of The Tycoon's Marriage Bid & The Fifth Day of Christmas

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2022-07-04 18:36
First story: I want revenge on my father who destroyed my mother's life, so I'll buy into his filthy methods and destroy small businesses until I can take over his company and kick him out into the cold. Sorry, but this sounds like the person who would murder women and small children in order to get close to a dictator like Sadaam Hussein for the purpose of assassinating him. Really hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys.
Second story: Typical Betty Neels - communicate you flaming morons. And the other chick needed more therapy and medication than the doctor had on hand.
2021-09-23 16:06
I have no idea why people thought forcing kiss on someone is romantic. Isn't that just a sexual harassment?
2021-09-22 17:21
Beware there are 2 harlequins story! I hate the girl who was pretending to be injured in the 2 story and the ML was trying to do his job as a doctor but there is a limit in getting too close with his patients
Name: The Tycoon's Marriage Bid & The Fifth Day of Christmas
Status: Completed   
Author: Patricia Thayer & Betty Neels , Kuremi Hazama 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei
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