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Comments of Until I Make My Cousin Happy

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2022-04-24 16:04
It’s… the premise is good but the execution is weird.
2022-04-18 15:28
Makes me tear up a bit
2022-03-27 05:35
Its giving savior complex but i hope the cousin gets a good ending
2022-03-20 17:04
Giving me savior complex vibe. Even for emotion porn it’s dumb af. “Oh no, what happened to my cousin????” while said cousin is beaten to a pulp. Someone clearly hurt her even if we want to humor the idea that the POV dude lack insight that it’s the parents abusing her. At least act angry that someone is hurting an innocent girl. A rock has more emotional range than this.
2022-02-27 05:28
im not crying ur crying
2022-02-24 10:15
I hope the cousin will be happy
2022-02-24 08:39
this is so random. i hope her cousin will make her safe and comfortable
Name: Until I Make My Cousin Happy
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Mogami Kouji 2019 released.
Genre(s): Drama
Alternative: I, a university student, will stop at nothing to make my cousin happy.
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