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Zhongli simp UwU May 19, 2024 3:23 pm

Rambling off topic here but this manhwa reminded me of a dungeon keeper roleplay I did last year. The difference being that my girl was a lich and had way better game than this succubus mc. OP powers, lots of smut, and lots of husbandos. Can’t believe the type of shit my rp partner let me get away with LOL I should go back and re-read our posts history before things ended abruptly

Zhongli simp UwU April 7, 2024 2:59 am

I think this manga is one of the rare examples of the “misunderstanding trope” done right. At the same time, this manga is also prime evidence as to why the “misunderstanding trope” is absolute dogshit.

Usually, authors throw in the trope just like that to make the story unnecessarily longer and more “dramatic”. But for this manga, the entire plot hinges on people misunderstanding each other intentions and desires. It all weaves into each other to create a mystery story and it all unravels well. It hits all the right story beats. But ultimately, you pull back and realize: NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF THESE DUMB FUCKING CHARACTERS JUST TALKED TO EACH OTHER FFFFFFFFF. And oooohhh mmmyyyy gooooddddd do these characters go on and on about “fate”. Fffffff that word literal lost all meaning to me. At this point “fate” is just code for “aw man, do I have to tell the truth now? But moooooom!!!”.

This story ultimately collapses on the same pitfalls that make any story weaker when using the misunderstanding trope: when the entire conflict hinges on an easily fixable problem, the story becomes a joke.

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