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All photos about A Prince in a Luxurious Mansion page 1

hell yeah he is
this is straight adorable
you definitely should have said that earlier, like woah
tell him about the painting
angry >:(
not the time, but nice suit
next time don't leave suspicious documents on the floor, he would've been here if you didn't
crying scenes kick my heart, especially depending on the severity
i think he went to his parents place to talk about the lease, but that's just my guess
damn, 2016?
he's like " sorry, bro likes me it's kinda obvious lol"
he's happy af rn
i'm dying, they're so cute for this
even if i've never been into anyone, i think i would be touched hearing such a thing
this is how i look talking to new people

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Name: A Prince in a Luxurious Mansion
Status: Completed   
Author: Matsumoto Yoh 0 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Comedy
Alternative: 호화 맨션, 왕자님 포함
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