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All photos about Here And There And Us (And Then And After) page 2

your so good at talking now, i'm a proud mother
bro liked you too much to date anyone lol ( he did realize it before you)
bro's hella a virgin
he can't catch up ~
he tryna be romantical
it's like when he saw you get dinner with someone that wasn't him
well if you don't tell him you won't know, pandora'a love
it should be illegal to be so cute
i want to experience the sensation of grabbing someones shirt from behind...
i wanna save every single page, my god
my god, i'm elated
was there something i missed??
your gonna have to say your feeling too bro, at least he said it in a letter
hehe! :>
you gonna kill me
i'll die from tenderness

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Name: Here And There And Us (And Then And After)
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Thanat 2020 released.
Genre(s): Romance / Slice Of Life / Yaoi
Alternative: Achira Kochira Bokura (no, Are kara to Kore kara); あちらこちらぼくら(の、あれからとこれから);
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