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All photos about Becoming Best Friends With the Icy Male Lead page 4

aw, it cuts off baby Lucian's face
hmm, I welcome yuri route
cute. but why isn't she the least bit tanned? she paler than pale
white, blonde, or brown hair would've went a LOOOONGGGG way.
his daddy look bland too... tragic
me. he looks bland, but i'll reserve my opinion until I see the 2ML or sumn
ok, but like.... what does her mom look like? how are children born, bcuz.... you are NOT the father

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Name: Becoming Best Friends With the Icy Male Lead
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Grayfruit , Spicy Oiji 2022 released.
Genre(s): Webtoons / Shoujo / Fantasy / Romance
Alternative: Becoming Bestfriends With the Cold Male Lead ; 얼어붙은 남주와 절친까지만 되려 했는데
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