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All photos about Criminal Interview page 179

Awww, his brother. He loves him so much. I mean, I hope. And I hope in a non-incesty way. >.>
Oh wow, sounds like this guy and I share the same sort of luck!
This reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. Once again, your penis may not help.
Look at that face. I like clueless Jerome in the previous panels, haha.
Piercings boy is a little prettier here. I hope he's important.
I get the sense that there's some history here? Feelings?
More facial piercings in yaoi, please!
If you don't immediately think your brother is in on this stuff, you're asking for what happens next
I can't wait for this story to unfold, haha.
Gay Ted Bundy?
I mean, yeah, he's hot, but the random screaming two seconds ago sort of negates the "normal" part.
This art is so pretty!
If there's a better-quality version in here, I'll replace this with it later.
oh he's a HOTTIE!

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Name: Criminal Interview
Status: Completed   
Author: Queensa , Ppyong 2000 released.
Genre(s): Mystery / Psychological / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
Alternative: クリミナル・インタビュー ~あの日の真実~
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