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All photos about Fujimi no Meinichi page 3

your right he certainly does have weird taste
we found his real goal
it's coming (pun totally intended)
hehe ~
phooo boy
kissy kissy
bro didn't know he was a bottom until now, turns out, when you don't get a gf, your still a virgin
holy shit, it actually worked. i didn't think bro could emote that
bro is a human enigma, and i'm not afraid to say it
they bullied and beat up a bear
this story is so weird, and yet i'm still invested
is this dude okay? the answer is no.
can you tell he's whipped for you?
that's not okay, your opinion is invalid, no if's, an's, or but's
my god.
"place" to stay, my ass.

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Name: Fujimi no Meinichi
Status: Completed   
Author: Mushiba 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Comedy / Romance
Alternative: 不死身の命日
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