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All photos about Hotaru wa Ashita Shinu page 3

do you think he is using you cuz you look like the other guy?? i just thought of that. hmm...
something is up, i just don't know what.
j-just a coincidence, nothing weird i swear
just take responsibility for his jello legs after this lol (and his butt, can't forget)
no way he could refuse
he thought about it very very briefly lol
brain works fast
we might as wellll...
in a weird kinda way, yes.
bro failed upward
i'm fucking dumb, this dude and his friend from the beginning are different people....
oh. well, that was surprisingly easy.
so... that description fits you friend minus the girl part lol (i don't think he's a bitch, but idk)

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Name: Hotaru wa Ashita Shinu
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Saikawa Fuyu 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Drama
Alternative: Hotaru dies tomorrow; 蛍は明日死ぬ
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