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All photos about I Used to be a Boss page 84

lmao MC u look like a fucking psycho like don't fake smile u look like a serial killer so stop
lmao bruh have a stalker now that fucking follows him into the restroom too stalker have no limit
lmao bruh this is a scam
Damn. He became a slave to the government
fuck y u all gotta gang up on MC poor soul he just got the fuck out of the tower
fuck even if MC don't do anything u motherfuckers still pick on him
lmao she is hitting on him hard without knowing he's a middle school Pedo much women
oh shit don't say it MC is a fucking crack head that is weak right now he will die or bein more debt
bruh MC need a fucking lawyer with him just to speak for him cause the random shithe dowill kill him

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Name: I Used to be a Boss
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: 2019 released.
Genre(s): Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Alternative: 보스였음
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