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All photos about Inu mo Arukeba Koi ga Hajimaru page 4

ngl this would be hella annoying irl
*stressed during test* haha imma dog now, can't take it anymore
bro said no special characteristics like turning into a dog is commonplace lol
The Yakult bottle as a water bottle STOPPPP lol
The little fishies swimming in his hair....

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Name: Inu mo Arukeba Koi ga Hajimaru
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Hakase 2021 released.
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance / Yaoi
Alternative: Tình yêu bắt đầu khi dắt chó đi dạo; Tình yêu bắt đầu khi dắt cún đi dạo; 犬も歩けば恋がはじまる;
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