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All photos about Isekai Yakuza Mofumofu no Taizaiki page 4

Yknow what, we got an apology for the lack of sense but hey they translated. Big thanks.
I'm losing brain cells from how fast this is moving
U p s e t
So this man was just gonna let the other guy be fucked whilst he just runs over after like hey,mate!
I'm hearing what's wrong with abusing the person? This man does not hear himself speak.
So anything human has no strength here. Gotacha. This world is shitty
Why don't they settle this over tea or smth
Why is everything so obsessed with population expansion
Well. If that's what you believe then fine.
After getting drugged this man just doesn't care huh
The police are like this

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Name: Isekai Yakuza Mofumofu no Taizaiki
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Nakai Shinshi 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Fantasy / Supernatural / Smut
Alternative: 異世界ヤクザのモフモフ滞在記
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