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All photos about Miriam page 5

Love how the sheriff (good guy) is wearing a black (Bad guy) hat ^^ irony love it ^^
^^ I'm zoomed in so I saw him holding a guitar ^^ Totally should do a rock story next!!!
^^ See? Doug Copies young Miriam ^^
XD I Love his Dark Side ^^ XD
He learned a few things from little Miriam (ch.1 1st few pages stealing Card's gun ^^)
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Name: Miriam
Status: Completed   
Author: Hikawa Kyouko 1983 released.
Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Comedy / Romance / Shoujo
Alternative: 荒野の天使ども; 荒野天使; Angel of the Wilderness; Angels of the Rough Plains; Kouya no Tenshidomo; Koya no Tenshi domo
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